Institut Agama Islam Sukabumi
Institute Of Islamic Sukabumi
Campus IAIS : Jl. Kramat-Cipetir, Cipetir, Kec. Kadudampit, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43153
Toll-free service : 0800 1234 000     ✸ Mobile / SMS / WA, Tel / Fax, ect. (click here)
See : Curriculum (Subject) Overall Info Excellence Public Transportation Total Credit & Total Semester Tuition Fees   Afternoon/Evening Classes (PKSM)
The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on Institut Agama Islam Sukabumi along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates) and curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Study Program
S1 Islamic Guidance and CounselingS1 Al-Quran and Tafsir Science
S1 Islamic Communication and BroadcastingS1 Islamic Education Management
S1 PGMI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education)S1 PIAUD (Early Childhood Islamic Education)
S1 Sharia EconomicsS1 Sharia Banking

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program, Advanced Course (Online Lectures) and Afternoon / Evening Class Program follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Prospectus and Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required/Elective Courses, Job/Career Prospects, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
Table of Contents
1. Communication & Islamic Broadcasting (S-1)
2. Syariah banking (S-1)
3. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (S-1)
4. Islamic guidance and counseling (S-1)
5. Al Quran and Tafsir Science (S-1)
6. Islamic Education Management (S-1)
7. Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD) (S-1)
8. Sharia Economics (S-1)

1. Study program Communication & Islamic Broadcasting (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Kom.I. or S.Kom.I.

Prospectus of S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Department of Communications and Broadcasting Islam (KPI) offers integrated communication science with broadcasting and propagation of Islam. As a container for the study of science communication, curriculum in the Department of KPIs include all compulsory subjects agreed in ASPIKOM forum (Association of Higher Education Communication Studies), such as Communication Studies, Communication Theory, Philosophy and Ethics of Communication, Political Communication, Intercultural Kumunikasi, Communication Design visual, and so on, so that competence graduate of KPIs can be equated with a graduate / Communication Studies Program in general. However, there is more value that is owned by a graduate KPI compared with the department of communication sciences elsewhere. The value is the mastery of science and religious approaches are also taught in the Department of KPI. Students are given the provision of religious perspectives that will be very useful, both for his personal life in the future as well as for future study and career thus better able to understand the object of study in Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim.

Vision Study Program:Creating Prodi leading in the field of Communications and Broadcasting Islam and scholars who have the ability to give birth scholarly Islamic Broadcasting communication, personality, skills and research.

Mission Study Program:
  • Childbirth education for Communications and Broadcasting Islamic scholars professional, credible, and noble.
  • Develop research in the field of Communications and Broadcasting Islam.
  • Expanding participation of community service in order to propaganda.
  • Improve networking with various parties related to the optimization of Tri dharma practice.
Competency of S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Target outcomes (out-put) learning is to provide opportunities for students to, developed the knowledge, attitudes and skills as follows:
a. Science
  • Have an adequate understanding and mastery of the basic sciences related to Islamic (Dirasat Islamiyah);
  • Having an understanding of the science related to Communication and Counselling Preaching of Islam based on the values and worldview of Islam;
  • Having a good understanding of the science of Communications Propagation (especially in the field of broadcasting and journalism) and the Islamic Counseling based on the values and worldview of Islam.
b. Abilities and Skills:
  • Able to answer and resolve the issue of religion and religious issues that develop in society;
  • Able and skilled duties and obligations as a Muslim religious professional counselors and practitioners in the field of broadcasting and journalism Islam;
  • Skilled in conducting research and development in the field of Communication and Counselling Preaching of Islam based on the values and worldview of Islam.
c. Attitude
  • Knowledgeable, civilized and efficient (tadayyun 'Amali);
  • Responsible for the trust was carried;
  • sensitive and empathetic to the surrounding environment;
  • Cultured high science and critical of the negative impact the progress of time and mankind;
  • Willing to open up and actively establish synergies to cooperate with various parties for the benefit of the Islamic da'wah and beneficiaries / community empowerment.
Professions and Career Graduates S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Employment opportunities for graduates of Islamic Broadcast Communications (IBC) is wide open, so many agencies that need professionals in the field of Broadcast Communications Islam, both public and private / company. These opportunities include:
  • Lecturer at universities and private
  • public servants in various government agencies such as the department of communication and information, extension Ministry and local government, military and others Practitioners print media, radio and TV

Subjects S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
* = Course Special Options / General Options

Al-Ashwat wal Mufradat6
Balaghah I2
Balaghah II2
Fundamentals of Islamic Education2
Jurisprudence I2
Jurisprudence II2
Hadith Ahkam2
Science & Comparative Education4
Teacher Competencies and Professional Ethics2
Maharatul Istima 'I2
Maharatul Istima 'II4
Kalam Maharatul I4
Maharatul Kalam II4
Maharatul kitabah I2
Maharatul kitabah II4
Maharatul qirâ'ah I2
Maharatul qirâ'ah II6
Translations Method2
Metopel BA3
grammar I2
grammar II3
grammar III3
grammar IV4
P2 & Evaluation Education4
Pancasila and civics2
Islamic Thought2
Curriculum Development PBA2
Psychology Education2
Arabic Literature2
Sirah Nabawiyah2
Supervision Education2
Tarakib Nahwiyah I2
Tarakib Nahwiyah II4
Tawheed I2
Tawheed II2
Tawheed III2
Tawheed IV2
IT & Computers2
Ulumu Al-Hadith2
Ulumu Qur'an2
Usul At-Tafsir2
Usul Fiqh4

2. Study program Syariah banking (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.E.Sy

Prospectus S1 Islamic Banking
Studies of Islamic Banking is growing very fast in supporting the needs of enterprises, the accounting profession, governments and communities in the face of global economic turbulence, information and communication technology.ReviewsReviewsOne of the fundamental properties of accounting is to provide financial information quickly and accurately using information technology, so it has accountability to all users in order to establish good corporate governance and good government governance.ReviewsReviewsProgram Study of Islamic Banking create graduates who have the competence to master the application of accounting and finance, inspection and analysis of the financial statements of commercial companies and the public sector as a manager or entrepreneur who is able to create and develop and implement systems and procedures for accounting and financial professionals as well as able to understand the development of information systems technology fields of accounting and finance are applicable.
Competency S1 Islamic Banking Graduates Program S1 Islamic Banking equipped with knowledge, ethics, skill and ability to prepare financial statements, managing finances, developing a system of accounting information, carry out financial audits, operational conventional banking and Islamic financial statements micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the order fulfillment through the role of banking sector credit, calculating and preparing tax reports, analyzing the financial statements of public sector for the development of public sector institutions; able to perform a quantitative analysis of the field of accounting; able to perform the examination and analysis of the financial statements of commercial and public sector; able to create and develop and implement systems and accounting procedures; have expertise in the areas of tax management, etc.ReviewsReviewsBasic competence Bachelor of Islamic Banking is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adapt to the changes; realize that science has always developed and developing; able to search for and obtain scientific information; know how and be constantly learning; in dealing with each issue, is able to reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usability of information technology; can apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled in accounting; can solve the problem logically, utilizing data / information is available; can use the concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; capable of actively-as well as in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and take advantage of their help; capable of effectively utilizing the resources available; able to initiate pilot unit formation entrepreneur in the field of accounting, was able to follow new developments in the field of accounting, conduct research, or following a course at a further level.ReviewsReviewsS1 graduate of Islamic Banking has strong integrity, the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing, the ability to cooperate in a team, the ability to understand the knowledge of the ethics, the ability to understand knowledge in the field of accounting, the ability to lead others.Mastering the Islamic economic theory and concepts to the decision making process for strategic and tactical, operational and problem-solving in the utilization of economic resources of the nation, able to apply and utilize science and technology in solving problems.Being able to take strategic and operational decisions using quantitative and qualitative methods, and be able to recommend alternative solutions to the various forms of activities muamalahReviewsReviewsFurthermore Learning Outcomes Graduates (CPL) Islamic Banking Studies Program levels of S-1 is intended to be able to have the following competencies: Competence Ability Field Work: Reviews
  • Able to create strategies, programs and evaluation activities muamalah in banking and sharia asuaransi management.
  • Having expertise in applying economic concepts of sharia banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Be able to identify and analyze problems, potential and prospects as well as recommend alternative decision making in the fields of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to develop business development strategies sharia banking and insurance management.
  • Obtaining industry practice experience in banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to take advantage of information and communication technology on business banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to plan strategic business activities of banking and Islamic insurance.
ReviewsReviews Competence Knowledge Sector Capabilities: Reviews
  • Master the foundation of theology, philosophy, and theory of Islamic economics.
  • Master of law, principles and concepts of Islamic economics.
  • Mastering the principles and concepts of entrepreneurship needed to become a sharia-based businesses.
  • Master the basic knowledge of information and communication technology in supporting business activities of sharia.
  • Master the latest quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the problems of the Islamic economic field.
  • Mastering the system concept in the development of banking and Islamic insurance.

Competencies Managerial Capabilities: Reviews
  • Ability to plan, organize, and make decisions in the business activities of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to apply the latest quantitative methods in analyzing problems, potential and prospects of the banking and Takaful business.
  • Having the ability to lead an organization or institution in the field of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Have the skills to communicate ideas, problems and problem solving banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to motivate the public to apply Islamic principles in activities muamalah

Profession and Career Graduates S1 Islamic Banking Bachelor of Islamic Banking can work and career as a public accountant, management accountants, public sector accounting, internal audit, and accounting educators.ReviewsReviewsCareers in Government Institutions, Organizations Private, or Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as an Accountant / internal auditor or staff examiner in various departments and agencies such as the Department of Finance, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia, Directorate General of Taxation and the Regional Office of Tax throughout Indonesia, state, enterprises, domestic and foreign investment, expert staff accounting and control at the provincial government offices, city or county governments throughout Indonesia.ReviewsReviewsBeing Entreprenuer (entrepreneur) to build public accountant consultants, finance and taxation, management consulting for corporations and individuals who insightful information and communication technology.
Subjects S1 Islamic Banking
* = Subjects Concentration / Specificity / options
Course SKS
Introduction to Business and finance 2
Introduction to Microeconomics Islam 2
Introduction to Macroeconomics Islam 2
Economy Islam 2
Business Feasibility Study 2
Financial Reports 2
Service Products and Services Bank Syariah 2
Marketing Management and Financing Bank Syari'ah 2
Laboratory Sharia Banking 3
Financial Statement Analysis 2
Asset and Liability Management Bank Syari'ah 3
Islamic Financial Management 3
Islamic Business Ethics 2
Service Prima 2
Econometrics 3
Introduction to Accounting (conventional and Islamic) 2
Islamic Banking Management 2
Accounting Cost 3
Accounting Management 3
Course SKS
Accounting for Sharia Banking 3
Islamic Human Resource Management 2
Business Mathematics 3
Risk Management Shariah 3
Organizational Management Sharia 2
Strategic Management 2
Legal Aspects in Business 2
Management Information Systems 2
History of Economic Thought Islam 2
Introduction to Computer Accounting 3
Statistics I 2
Statistics 2 2
Fiqh Muamalat 1 (introduction) 2
Fiqh Muamalat 2 (legal) 2
Fiqh Muamalat 3 (contemporary) 2
Fiqh Muamalat 4 (financial transactions) 2
Fiqh of Zakat (infaq and sadaqah) + waqf 2
Ahkam Tafsir (interpretation of economic Ayat2) 2
Hadith Ahkam (hadits2 economic) 2
Thesis 4

3. Study program Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Pd.I or S.Pd.I

Prospectus of S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)
Government Elementary School understood as Islamic educational institutions such as the basic level of primary education institutions in general, but it has various character and uniqueness. MI as an educational institution in Indonesia as well as other educational institutions must comply with the applicable legislation, such as Law No. 20/2003 on the National Education System, PP 19/2005 on the National Education Standards and Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. What is the nature of MI? Madrasah is actually boarding schools and school plus plus. MI (excel in the modern education system especially common subjects) plus personality Muslim, Islamic Education and Arabic.

Competency S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)
Competencies Expected graduates of courses S1 Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education) is as follows:

1. Pedagogic competencies include:
  • knowledge about the characteristics of early childhood learners from the physical aspects, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual;
  • mastered the learning theories and learning principles are educational for children ages MI / SD;
  • develop a curriculum that is associated with the development of teaching;
  • organize the development of educational activities;
  • utilize information and communication technologies for the benefit of the organization of educational development;
  • facilitate the development of student potentials to actualize various potentials;
  • communicate effectively, empathetic and polite with learners;
  • conduct assessment and evaluation of learning processes and outcomes;
  • utilize the assessment and evaluation for learning needs;
  • reflective action to improve the quality of learning.
2. Personality competence include:
  • act according to religious norms, legal, social, and national culture of Indonesia;
  • present yourself as a person who is honest, noble, and role models for students and the community;
  • present yourself as a person who is steady, stable, mature, wise and dignified;
  • shows the work ethic, high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher, and self-confidence;
  • uphold the code of ethics of the teaching profession.
3. Social Competence includes:
  • be inclusive, to act objectively, and not discriminatory for consideration gender, religion, race, physical condition, family background, and socioeconomic status;
  • communicate effectively, empathetic and polite with fellow educators, staff, parents, and communities;
  • adapt on the spot duty in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia which has a social and cultural diversity;
  • communicate with the community's own profession and other professions orally and in writing or any other form.
4. Professional Competence includes:
  • mastering the material, structure, concept, and thought patterns that support scientific subjects Education;
  • mastering standard of competence and basic competences subjects / fields of the development of Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education);
  • develop learning materials of teaching creatively;
  • develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking action reflective;
  • utilize information and communication technologies to communicate and develop themselves.
Graduate Competency Standards Generic, competency standards Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education) is expected to become a professional Muslim scholars in the field of education and teaching as follows:
  • Understanding learners MI and SD Islam;
  • Master of MI and SD material Islam in depth;
  • Design, implement, and evaluate learning in MI and SD Islam;
  • Being a role model for students and the community;
  • Mastering the performance itself;
  • Develop self-sustainable manner;
  • Hanging politely and effectively with students, fellow teachers, staff, parents and the community
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)

  • Teacher MI and SD Islam;
  • Researchers Institutions of MI and SD Islam;
  • Facilitator and Trainer in various Education Training MI and SD Islam;
  • Author of books Educational MI and SD Islam.
  • business unit organization or Islamic Elementary School field

S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)
* = Special Electives
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Civic education2
Public philosophy2
Arabic - 12
Arabic - 22
English - 12
English - 22
Methodology of Islamic Studies2
History of Islam2
Ulumul Qur'an2
Ulumul Hadith2
morals Mysticism2
Community Service Program4
General psychology2
Developments Learners2
Education cornerstone2
Teaching and Learning2
Education Management2
Classroom action research2
Counseling guidance2
communication Education2
Teaching profession2
Practice Field Experience (PPL)4
Aqidah Akhlaq MI2
Learning Aqidah Akhlaq MI2
Al-Qur'an Hadith MI2
Learning Quran Hadith MI2
Fiqh MI2
Learning Fiqh MI2
Cultural History of Islam MI2
Learning History Islamic Cultural MI2
Learning methods2
Indonesian MI - 12
Indonesian MI - 22
Learning Indonesian MI2
Learning Mathematics MI2
Science MI-12
Science MI-22
Learning Science MI2
Social Sciences MI-12
Social Sciences MI-22
Learning Social Sciences MI2
Citizenship Education MI- 12
Citizenship Education MI- 22
Citizenship Education Learning MI2
Arabic MI2
Learning Arabic MI2
Thematic learning2
Arts Culture and Skills MI2
Arts and Culture Learning and Skills MI2
Health and Safety MI2
Learning Penjaskes MI2
Java Language MI2
Learning the Java Language MI2
English MI2
Learning English MI2
planning Learning2
MI Curriculum Development2
evaluation of Learning2
Resources and Learning Media2
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) MI2
ICT learning MI2
Educational Research Methodology2
seminar Proposal2
Propagation Studies *2
Propagation methods *2
Media Propagation *2
Propagation management *2
Psychology Propagation *2
Business and Entrepreneurship Islam *2
Management Syari'ah *2
Accounting Syari'ah *2
Operationalization of the Economic Institute of the People *2
Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs *2

4. Study program Islamic guidance and counseling (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Kom.I (Bachelor of Islamic Communication)

Prospectus S1 Guidance and Counseling Islam
Graduates Competency S1 Guidance and Counseling Islam
A graduate of the Islamic Counseling and Counseling Study Program After graduating from the Department of Islamic Counseling and Counseling, graduates in both concentrations, both for the Community Counselors and Education Counselors theoretically Is expected to understand and master the various concepts and approaches of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, and has the intellectual capacity to understand the psychological problems of individuals, groups (communities) and the wider community.At the practical level, the competence for the concentration of Community Counselors in the BKI department is expected to identify and resolve psychological problems in the family and community through the provision of Islamic guidance and counseling, motivation and training, mediation and advocacy.

Basic competence / basic Bachelor Guidance and Counseling Islam is As for the concentration of Education Counselors (School), in the realm of practical, graduates are also expected to identify & solve the psychological problems of learners, able to plan and implement and provide services counseling and counseling Islam as well as mengevaluasinya In the personal, social, learning, career, and religious fields. So it can show academic and or professional performance in the field of guidance and counseling of Islam in schools, universities and the wider community.

Main Competencies:
  • Mastering the normative and theoretical dimension of da'wah (philosophical foundation, scholarship, and methodology of da'wah).
  • Mastering the technical dimension-practical da'wah (da'wah management).
  • Mastering psychology.
  • Mastering the guidance of Islamic counseling and psychotherapy.

Supporting Competencies:
  • Master of Science Communication and Public Speaking.
  • Mastering knowledge in Entrepreunership.
  • Have knowledge about contemporary da'wah themes.
  • Mastering communication and information technology.
  • Understand the local culture.
Profession and Career Graduates S1 Islamic Counseling and Counseling
Bachelor of Islamic Counseling and Counseling, critical thinking and analytical thinking and creative and innovative ability developed by the Department of BKI Faculty of Da'wah and Communication UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta has proven able to produce graduates who have expertise and professionalism in the field of Islamic Guidance and Counseling. Therefore, as a graduate, you will have a great opportunity to develop careers in various public sectors both private and government, even you can become an entrepreneur as Trainer and Motivator, and Consultant. The areas of work that you can enter, among others:

1. For the concentration of Community Counselor, the opportunity of profession is very wide, ranging from religious counselor, pembmbing / advocate (advocate), Islamic therapist, Lecturer and Researcher, to consultant, motivator and so forth. The institutions or institutions that can be entered, among others: BP4, NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), Social Services (Panti-Panti), mental health institutions such as LAPAS, Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers.

2. For Counselors Concentration Education (School), which is commonly referred to as BK teacher, since 2010 Kemenag has received graduates of BKI to fill the formation of BK teachers at the level of Madrashah Ibtidaiya, Tsanawiyah, and Aliyah). But not a few who also become teachers BK in schools in general under Kemendikbud.
S1 Islamic guidance and counseling
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
English I 2
Introduction to Counseling Guidance 2
Tauhid Science 2
Introduction to Psychology 2
Fiqh I 2
Morals Science 2
The History of Da'wah 2
Citizenship Education 2
English II 2
Ulumul Qur'an 2
Ulumul Hadith 2
English 2
Introduction to Philosophy 2
Mystic Suffering 2
Fiqh II 3
Dakwah Science 3
English III 2
Mantik Science 2
Fiqh III 3
Da'wah Hadith 2
Tafsir Da'wah 2
Islamic Philosophy 2
Religious Psychology 2
Dakwah Psychology 2
Personality Psychology 2
Theory and Counseling Guidance Approach 2
Quantitative Research Methodology 2
Communication Science 2
Ushul Fiqh 3
The Non Test Test Theory 2
Counseling Guidance Talks 2
Hadith Counseling Guidance 2
Islamic Counseling Guidance 2
Sociology 2
Developmental Psychology 3
Human Philosophy 2
Qualitative Research Methodology 3
Individual Guidance and Counseling 2
Counseling Communications Techniques 2
Mental Health 2
Practice Test and Non Test 2
Counseling Management 2
Islamic psychotherapy 3
Statistics 2
Family Problems (Concentration) 2
Courses SKS
Child and Adolescent Counseling (Concentration) 2
Qualitative Research Methodology 3
Individual Guidance and Counseling 2
Counseling Communications Techniques 2
Mental Health 2
Practice Test and Non Test 2
Counseling Management 2
Islamic psychotherapy 3
Statistics 2
Learning and Career Problems (Concentration) 2
The Learning and Career Counseling Approach (Concentration) 2
Group Guidance and Counseling 2
Abnormal Psychology 2
Islamic Counseling Profession Ethics 2
Career Theory and Practice 2
Individual Counseling Practices 2
Qualitative Research Methodology 2
Adult and Elderly Counseling (Concentration) 2
Married Counseling (Concentration) 2
Social Pathology 2
Anthropology 2
Group Guidance and Counseling 2
Abnormal Psychology 2
Islamic Counseling Profession Ethics 2
Career Theory and Practice 2
Individual Counseling Practices 2
Qualitative Research Methodology 2
Career Potential (Concentration) Measurement 2
Islamic Work Ethics (Concentration) 2
Social Pathology 2
Anthropology 2
Kapita Selekta Da'wah 2
Case Study Counseling 2
Group Counseling Practices 2
Multicultural Counseling 2
Family Therapy (Concentration) 2
Ideal Islamic Family (Concentration) 2
Kapita Selekta Da'wah 2
Case Study Counseling 2
Group Counseling Practices 2
Multicultural Counseling 2
Career Planning and Development (Concentration) 2
Interpersonal Skill (Concentration) 2
Field Experience Practice (PPL) 3
Real Work Lecture (KKN) 4
Field Work Lecture (KKL) 0
Thesis 6

5. Study program Al Quran and Tafsir Science (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Ag

Prospectus Bachelor of Quran and Interpretation
Educational Objectives S1 Study Program in Al Quran and Interpretation
The Quran and Tafsir Science Study Program aims to produce educational staff who:
  • Expertise and competence in the field of Al-Quran and interpretation.
  • Expertise in research in the field of Al-Quran and interpretation.
  • The ability to adapt and play an active role in different social life.
Graduates Competencies S1 Al Quran and Interpretation

A. Main graduate competencies

Graduates of the Quran and Tafsir Science Study Program are equipped with noble and noble values, knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

  • Applying theory and thought in the field of Al-Quran science and interpretation.
  • Understanding the contents of the verses of the Koran
  • Utilizing the findings of modern science and IT to enrich insights in the field of Quranic study and interpretation.
  • Formulating solutions to problems related to understanding the contents of the verses of the Koran
  • Communicating the message of the Koran in peoples lives.
  • Adapting the meaning of the content of the Koran and its interpretation in the social, cultural and development of science and technology

B. Competency of supporting graduates
  • Mastering concepts and theories in the Quranic sciences and interpretations and other supporting sciences in the study of the Koran and interpretations, both classical and modern.
  • Mastering a variety of interpreting methodologies of the Koran and classical and modern style of interpretation.
  • Being able to solve problems in the field of Al-Quran study and interpretation based on correct procedures.
  • Being able to write the results of studies in the field of the Koran and their interpretation in the form of scientific papers published in journals or other media.

C. Other graduates competencies
Islamic religious instructor, with the following abilities
  • Being able to provide practical alternative solutions to religious problems that occur in society based on the results of objective studies and research in the field of the Koran and commentaries.
  • Being able to make strategic decisions based on scientific considerations from the perspective of the Quranic science and interpretation

Become a community leader, with the following abilities:
  • Able to be a leader / community leader.
  • Being able to independently account for the results of studies and interpretations of the verses of the Koran based on the method of interpretation.


General competence Bachelor of Al Quran and Tafsir Science is to have quality and intellectual integrity with high competitiveness both academically and morally able to adjust to changes, realizing that science is always advancing and developing able to trace and obtain scientific information / engineering knowing how and can continue - continually learn in handling each problem, able to uncover the structure and core of the problem and set priorities stages of resolution know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply knowledge and knowledge capable and skilled in the field of Al Quran and Tafsir can solve problems logically , utilizing available data / information can use concepts to explain things that are not / less clear able to be independent in work and efforts to be able to actively participate in working groups able to communicate with experts in other fields of expertise and and utilizing the assistance they are able to effectively utilize existing resources able to start pioneering the formation of entrepreneurial units in the field of Al Quran and Interpretation, able to follow new developments in the field of Al Quran and Interpretation, carry out research, or take courses at more levels continued.
Profession and Career Graduates S1 Al Quran and Interpretation
Bachelor of Al Quran and Tafsir Sciences can work and have a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (PTN and PTS), as well as in various government or private institutions (national or multinational) as Professional Educators in the field of Al Quran and Interpretation , Al Quran and Interpreter Science Researcher, Leader / Manager of Al Quran and Interpretation Science, Consultant of Al Quran and Interpretation Science, etc.

Becoming an entrepreneur (entrepreneur) with information and communication technology insight, by establishing service businesses in the field of education such as Educational Institutions (SD, SLTP, SLTA, Higher Education), Tutoring, Private Tutoring Bureau; or establishing a consulting service business in the field of Al Qur'an and Tafsir Sciences.
S1 Al Quran and Tafsir Science
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Philosophy of Religion 2
Philosophy of Language 2
Philology 2
Interfaith Relations 2
Orientalism Occidentalism 2
Ulumul Quran 2 2
Ulumul Hadith 2 2
Interpretation 1 2
Interpretation 2 2
Interpretation 3 2
Interpretation 4
Hadith 1 2
Hadith 2 2
Hadith 3 2
Takhrij al- Hadith 2
Hadith Criticism 2
Khoth-Imla 2
Nahwu 1 2
Nahwu 2 2
Sharf 1 2
Sharf 2 2
Tahsin al-Qiraah 2
Qawaid al-Tafsir 1 2
Qawaid al-Tafsir 2 2
Interpretation Research Methodology 2
Study of the Book of Interpretation 2
Madzahib al-Mufassirin 2
Qiraat Science 2
Balaghah al-Quran 2
Stylistically the Koran 2
Semantics of the Koran 2
Hermeneutics of the Koran 2
Sociology of the Koran 2
Tafsir Nusantara 1 2
Tafsir Nusantara 2 2
Contextual Interpretation 2
Orientalist interpretation 2
Contemporary Interpretation Thinking 2
Study of the Koran in the West 2
Arabic Computer Application 2
Writing Scientific Papers 2
Living Quran 2

6. Study program Islamic Education Management (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Pd.I. or S.Pd.I.

>Prospectus of S1 Islamic Education Management
Islamic Education Management develops with the era of globalization, information and communication technology which provides understanding of important procedures, analyzing and solving managerial problems.Preparing Islamic education personnel who have managerial skills in managing school, madrasa and pasantren education,Educate and train the prospects of success in order to have broad insightsPrepare education that can be managed with full education.

The Purpose of Islamic Education Management
  • Students are able to have noble character and apply Islamic teachings in daily life
  • Students are able to implement social values ​​and management of Islamic education
  • Students are able to implement science and technology in the field of Islamic Education Management research at regional and international levels
  • Students who are able to implement science and technology in the field of community service
  • Students who are able to develop innovative and creative education management

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, the efforts of members of the organization and the use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

The collected Islamic Education Management study programs collect for business-based or non-business field work, nationally and internationally, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), operations and as entrepreneurs.
The Department of Islamic Education Management organizes undergraduate programs in the field of entrepreneurship and sharia business management through academic and applicable education. The competencies that are produced have the ability to read pelluang and control business professionally and professional groups
Graduate Competencies S1 Sharia Business Management
The Sharia Business Management Study Graduates Program is equipped with knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to support various types of organizations that are equipped with finance, marketing, human resources, and operational fields, as well as making strategic decisions.

In addition, it is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technology within the company, develop management information systems, make business plans, make presentations and negotiate business well; economic, quantitative and management analytical skills; compile and analyze the financial performance of public and non-public companies; conduct financial market analysis (foreign exchange market, money market and capital market); prepare a business feasibility study design; carry out marketing planning and research; analysis of International Trade, etc.

Basic competencies Bachelor of Islamic Education Management has quality and intellectual integrity; trade in good academic academic morals; able to adjust to changes; Realizing advanced and developing science; able to explore and obtain scientific information; learn how to keep learning continuously; in solving each problem, able to uncover the structure and core of the discussion and determine priorities at the stages of resolution; Know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; can apply knowledge and knowledge; proficient and expertise in the field of management; can solve problems logically, using data / information available; can use concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to be independent in work and business; able to actively participate in working groups; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their assistance; existing resources; able to start pioneering the formation of entrepreneurial units in the field of management, able to follow new developments in the field of management, carry out research, or take courses at further levels.

Graduates of the Sharia Business Management Study Program have the ability to lead business organizations with strong competencies, namely the ability to communicate well and formally, the ability to collaborate in teams, the ability to understand knowledge in management, the ability to understand knowledge in management, the ability to lead others.
Professionals and Career Graduates S1 Management
Bachelor of Management can work and have a career as:

Entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs), academics or careers in government and private institutions as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, technology, information, communication and so on.

Civil Servants, MI / SD Teachers, MTS / SLTP and MA / SMU, School Administration, Education Thinkers and Observers, Religious Counselors / Counselors

A Bachelor of Economics researcher who is ready to be a productive researcher, has good research methods, and is able to conduct research in the field of sharia business management.
S1 Islamic Education Management Course
* = Concentration / Specificity / Elective Courses

Course SKS
Citizenship Education 2
Ulumul Qur an 3
Ulumul Hadith 3
Basic Social and Cultural Sciences 3
Introduction to Philosophy 2
Basic Arabic 2
Arabic I 2
Arabic II 2
Basic English 2
English I 2
English II 2
Indonesian 3
Islamic Study Methodology 3
Research Methodology 3
Descriptive Statistics 3
Inferential Statistics 3
Introduction to Islam 2
History of Islamic Civilization 2
History of Islamic Education 2
Usul Fiqh 3
Fiqh 3
Interpretation 3
Hadith 3
Psychology 2
Monotheism 2
Education Science 3
Organizational Communication 2
Educational Administration 2
Computer Application Management 2
Financial Management 2
Course SKS
Curriculum Management 3
Office Management 3
HR Management 3
Strategic Management 2
Islamic Education 3
Philosophy of Islamic Education 3
Guidance and Counseling 2
Risk Management 2
Educational Management 2
Islamic Education Management 2
Management Leadership 2
Marketing Management 2
Infrastructure Facility Management 2
Management Accounting 1 2
Management Accounting 2 2
Formal Education Management 2
Non-formal and Informal Education Management 2
Educational Innovation 2
Educational Evaluation 3
Public Administration Management 2
Business Ethics 2
Educational Management Information System 2
Anti-Corruption Education 2
Sufism 2
Practical Field Experience (PPL) 3
Field Work Practices (PKL) 2
Theory, Behavior and Organizational Culture 2
Personality Psychology 2
Real Work Lecture 4
Thesis 6
Entrepreneurship 2

7. Study program Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD) (S-1)

Graduate Degree : S.Pd.I. atau S.Ag. or S.PdI. atau SAg.

Prospectus S1 Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD)
Graduate Competencies S1 Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD)
The PIAUD Study Program is a study program designed to produce RA/PAUD/TK teachers who are professional, characterized and progressive. The opening of the PIAUD Study Program is based on the results of research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology which confirms the importance and necessity of early childhood education, namely education aimed at children from birth to the age of 6 years. Early childhood education is very important because the potential for intelligence and basic behavior of a person is formed at that age range. On the other hand, the 21st century generation of children is quite a challenge. Various cultural developments that are not child-friendly began to emerge from various patterns of life. The most recent example is mental, physical and sexual violence against children which does not only come from outside, but actually comes from people around the environment or even their own families. Not to mention the threats of pornography and violence that are easily found through electronic media (TV, cellphone, tablet and computer connected to the internet) which are examples of the image of a society that is impolite and culturally impaired.

Educational Goals

The aims of this PIAUD Study Program are as follows
  • Producing PIAUD educators who have character, and have pedagogical, social, personality, and professional competencies.
  • Producing innovative research work in the field of PIAUD teacher education.
  • Producing innovations in learning in the field of PIAUD teacher education.
  • Making a social contribution in advancing and empowering the community in the field of early childhood education (TK/PAUD/RA).

In realizing the above objectives, the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) develops its own curriculum and learning model by referring to competency standards and graduate profiles as follows

Competence of graduates
Graduates from the implementation of the PIAUD Study Program are expected to have the following competencies:
  • Holistic personality.
  • Mastering the theory of development of children aged RA/PAUDI and applying it in learning.
  • Know the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to conduct research and assessment in the field of education in RA/PAUDI.
  • Has an understanding of the theory of development of children aged RA/PAUDI.
  • Has the ability to make teaching materials for children aged RA/PAUDI.
  • Mastering the management of RA/PAUDI education units.
  • Has the ability to conduct research on RA/PAUDI.

Profession and Career Graduates S1 Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD)

  • RA/PAUD teacher at Madrasah/School.
  • TKQ/TKA teacher at Madrasah/BKPRMI.
  • Nanny Park.
  • Early Childhood Education Manager/ Kindergarten, Playgroup, Childcare Park.
  • Researcher in the field of Early Childhood Education/Kindergarten, Playgroup, Childcare Park.
  • Writer in the field of Early Childhood Education/Kindergarten, Playgroup, Childcare Park.
  • Early Childhood Education Consultant/Kindergarten, Playgroup, Babysitting Park.

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